Customer Testimonials

Reviews 2018-02-24T23:17:32+00:00

Great Product

Steve Price Jr.
“Great product.  It was night and day before and after application for mosquito control on our property.  One night we could not stand to be outside and the next night after application my wife and I were outside until 11:00pm in t-shirts and shorts without a single mosquito bite.  Smells great and love the fact it is safe for our kids.  Buying more for the rest of the summer!”

Recommend to Anyone

Tim Kline, Kline’s GreenScapes
“I have a small lawn care business and I am just starting to treat for ticks and mosquitos.  This product goes very far with a mist blower and my clients can’t wait until I get back for the next application.  Tank mixes very well with other products and leaves behind a nice cedar smell after application even when applying with herbicides.  Many people do not want chemicals sprayed so I was glad to see a safe bio product that actually works.  Recommend to anyone.

Easy to Apply

Jonathan and Michelle Hakim
EcoGuard was very easy to apply, seems to work great so far.  This provides our active, outdoor loving family with a sense of security when we are outside of the house.  We would definitely purchase this product again…”

We Can Go Outside

Justin Boltzy
“The squeeze and measure bottle is very cool and easy to use and spray.  My girlfriend and I can go outside our screened in porch for once!”

Kept Them Away

Andrea Patrick
“Mosquitos love me and this product has kept them away for over 2 weeks now and counting.  We live in the woods and I seem to have seen fewer ticks on my yellow lab since spraying as well.  I sprayed my parent’s property with the same results.  Thanks!”

EcoGuard Plus Tick & Mosquito Control

EcoGuard Plus Tick Control Spray

EcoGuard Plus

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Eco Innovations, Ltd.

Mount Gretna, PA

Phone: 717-283-4576